Loscon 51 Banner Design GIMP


Chair: Sherri Benoun
Vice Chair:
Art Show:
Elayne Pelz (pre-convention administration)
Jannie Shea (on-site)
Autographs: Regina Reynante
Blood Drive: Dennis and Kristine Cherry
Communications: Eylat Poliner
Costume Repair Station: Maria Rodriguez
Con Ops: Robbie Bourget
Dealer’s On-Site Liaison: Devon Black
Dealer’s Room Registration: Elayne Pelz
Fan Tables:
Film Room; Thomas Safer and Mike Wilson
Gift Baskets: Genny Dazzo
Guest of Honor Liaison:
Handicapped Access: Stephanie DeVoy
Hospitality: Echo Skyhorse
Second in Command: Victoria Honeywide
Hotel: Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink
Ice Cream Social; Dennis and Kristine Cherry
Logistics; John L. Searight & Susie HoneyBee Searight
Make Room: Gene Turnbow
Marketing: Michelle Pincus and Krystal Rains
Master of Ceremonies:
Office: Susan Fox
Party Maven: Alice Massoglia
Programming: Arlene Busby
Programming Operations:
Registration; Elayne Pelz & David Guon
Ribbons: Chaz Boston-Baden
Staff Lounge: Echo Skyhorse
Tech Gurus: Cathy & Dean Johnson
Toy Drive: Mark Poliner
(Toy Drive Staff – Willard Stone)
Treasurer: Elayne Pelz
Website: Kristine Cherry (Civic Site Design)
Wayfarer Dept:

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