Loscon 50 Banner


We have many events planned for the convention. Some have their own page, others are listed here until (and if) they warrant their own page full of more exciting details than can be listed here.

(You can also find the items marked, “click here” in the drop down menu above under the “Events” tab.)

Blood Drive – for full details, click here.

Costume Contest – Loscon is having a Costume Contest this year! No, we do not have sign-ups online; however, look for the sign-up table near the fan table area and you’ll be able to sign up and participate.

Hall Costume Awards – for full details, click here.

Ice Cream Social – for full details, click here.

Maker’s Room – for full details, click here.

Memorial For Our Loved Ones Past – Loscon 50 – fifty years of memories of those we’ve loved and lost. This year we are putting together a Memorial Wall which will be available for all to view. If you have pictures of your LASFS/Loscon loved ones, we invite you to bring them to Loscon. We will display them. We will also have cards and decorating supplies so that you can leave tributes throughout the convention. We will watch our wall grow with the love of those who may have left this realm, but not our hearts. Death does not release us from membership. The Memorial Wall will be located in the Art Show.

Regency Dancing Friday Night – John Hertz will be holding our annual Regency Dance event Friday night.

Star Wars Festival – for full details, click here.

Tea Honoring Fuzzy Pink Niven – for full details, click here.

Contact Us

Email or send us a detailed message here.