This show is being brought to you by Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink & Jerome Scott.
The Loscon Art Show returns for a 50th year of fantastic artwork from all over the cosmos. The Art Show is open to all attendees for browsing, and space in the art show is available to the general public for a small fee plus 10 % commission on sales. You do not need to be a member of Loscon to enter artwork in the Art Show, but you must be a member if you wish to attend any other convention activities.
Attendance at this convention is normally around 700 fans, and it is a very fun and friendly con. (At least we enjoy it a lot!!)
New Rule for our 2024 Art Show: Loscon will not accept any artwork generated by artificial intelligence (AI), nor any work whose creation is assisted by AI. Artificial intelligence primarily uses the work of other artists to generate imagery, and Loscon does not support the reuse or modification of any artist’s original creative work.
Art Show space is available in units of panels or half tables. A panel is 3’ wide by 4’ high, and is made of pegboard. Materials for hanging artwork will be provided by the convention. Table space is approximately 3’ long by 2.5’ deep, half a standard hotel table. Please allow for clearance between pieces, and space for their attached bid sheets when reserving your space.
Each unit of Art Show space as described above is $15.00. Reproductions are allowed, but only one of any particular piece may be hung.
There will be a Print Shop. No single pieces can go into the Print Shop. Prints will be charged at $1 per piece hung.
Works judged by the Art Show Staff to have pornographic and/or libelous content in regard to known persons and/or to well known characters will not be accepted. In addition, any copyright issues with well known characters, fictional or not will be decided by the Director. Fair Use of people or known characters is permitted; copyright infringement is not. The decisions of the Art Show Director in these matters is final.
All artwork and prints must be able to withstand reasonable, careful handling by the Art Show Staff. We want your work to go home with the buyer in perfect condition.
All two-dimensional works must be matted, mounted or framed to aid in hanging. Stick-on plastic hangars on unmatted work are not acceptable. If they are not matted, they must be in a clear envelope of some sort. Pieces of paper will not be hung!
Jewelry should be displayed in the artist’s own display case or cases, and the case placed on a table. Enough table space must be purchased to hold the display case. If you have a lockable case, please give one set of keys to the Art Show Directors, so that we can get to the pieces.
All artwork must be clearly labeled. Please include the title of the piece, and your name on each piece. This is especially desired for prints.
Artists are responsible for their own insurance. Check your homeowner’s policy; you may have appropriate coverage there. We will take reasonable care of your artwork in the show, but the convention can not acquire the expensive extra insurance for the Art Show.
Once entered in the show, the conditions of sale (minimum bid, not-for-sale, etc.) may not be changed. No artwork may be removed from the Art Show until after the voice auction on Sunday.
Pieces that receive 3 or more written bids will be sent to the voice auction on Sunday at 11 am (tentative).
There will be no photography or video recording of any kind in the Art Show unless cleared by the Art Show Directors in advance. The artist or agent must be present and consent to any photography or recording.
The judgment of the Art Show Staff and Directors in all matters of the Art Show is final
Art Show Fees are $15.00 per unit of Art Show. A unit is either a panel or a half table.
All Art Show fees must be paid in advance. Checks should be made payable to “Loscon” and drawn on an American bank. International Money Orders, in US Dollars are also acceptable. If you have currency conversion problems, please contact us for more options.
A 10% commission will be collected on all sales.
Mail-in artists must include a $20.00 non-refundable handling fee.
There will be absolutely no payments to artists at the convention. Payments will be mailed as soon as possible, approximately 30 days after the convention.
Please include an additional check for $25.00 for return shipping and insurance. Any excess money not used for this purpose will be refunded to you. On the other hand, if more money is needed to return your artwork, it will be deducted from sales. Artwork of artists who have insufficient sales and do not send return postage money will be considered abandoned and will not be returned. What we really like is a pre-paid label to ship anything left back to you! If you do this, you need not send the return shipping fee!
Please pack your artwork securely. We want your work to get to the show in perfect condition. If the contents of the box shift when it is shaken, please add more packing material, such as crumpled newspapers, etc. Please do not use Styrofoam peanuts. This will help prevent damage to the contents, especially to the corners!
You will be given an address to ship to after signing up.
Please time your shipment to arrive by Sunday 19 Nov. 2023. This will give us time to process your artwork before the convention. Packages may be sent by US Mail, UPS or an overnight delivery service. Please do not require a signature! This will only delay delivery.
Artwork being returned will be shipped within a week after the convention. Please let us know how you want it shipped back. The shipments will be insured for the total of the minimum bids of the artwork enclosed, up to $600. Insurance can be waived if you tell us to do so. Payment for artwork sold and a refund of excess shipping money will be made in a separate mailing.
Sunday, 24 Nov 2024
Mail-in artwork must be received by this date to ensure proper processing.
Thursday, 28 Nov 2024
12 noon – 3:00 pm Set up show
3:00 pm – 7:00 pm Artist check-in, hang art
Friday, 29 Nov 2024
8:00 am – 10:00 am Artist check-in hang art
10 am – 6 pm: Art Show opens
Saturday, 30 Nov 2024
10 am – 6 pm Art Show open
6 pm Bidding Closes
Sunday, 1 Dec 2024
11 am (TBD) Art Auction
12:30 pm – 4 pm Artist and Bidder pick up
4 pm – 6 PM Art show packing and breakdown
Please make any checks payable to “Loscon” and mail to:
Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink
1010 E. Acacia Ave.
El Segundo, CA 90245
We cannot guarantee space availability without the receipt of fees.